Current Research in Agriculture and Farming (CRAF)
Year : 2021, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : (1) Last page : (4)
Article doi: :
Shivam Kumar Verma*, G. S. Bhatnagar, Amit Kumar Shukla, Rohit Kumar Singh and Rakesh Kumar Meena
School of Agriculture Sciences, Career Point University, Kota, Rajasthan
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 11.03.2021 | Revised: 18.04.2021 | Accepted: 25.04.2021
Weed infestation is one among the most important biotic constraints in wheat production. Wheat is infested with diverse style of weed flora, because it is grown under diverse agro atmospheric condition, different cropping sequence, and tillage and irrigation regimes. For controlling weeds in wheat, growers mostly depend on herbicides because of cost and time effectiveness. For control of diverse weed flora in wheat combination of herbicides or as sequential, if not compatible are required. However, sole dependence on herbicides is additionally not desirable because it contributes to shift towards difficult-to-control weeds and therefore the rapid evolution of herbicide resistance, which may be a threat for sustainable wheat production. For efficient weed management, the non-chemical weed management tactics should be adopted in conjunction chemically (like herbicide mixture and rotation, optimum spray time, dose and methods). a number of the non-chemical agronomic strategies like tillage, sowing time, sowing methods, competitive crop cultivars, higher crop density, closer spacing, irrigation, fertilization and crop rotation is adjusted and adopted in such a fashion that they supply the competitive edge to the crop over weeds. Integration of information of weed biology and non-chemical methods of weed control with chemical methods will help in increasing the lifetime of existing herbicides and make the weed management cost-effective and efficient.
Keywords: Weed, Infestation, Management, Herbicides.
Cite this article: Verma, S. K., Bhatnagar, G. S., Shukla, A. K., Singh, R. K., & Meena, R. K. (2021). “Integrated Weed Management in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): A Review”, Curr. Rese. Agri. Far. 2(2), 1-4. doi: